17 November 2008

a quick summary of sorts

ok. i have been an awful blogger. i find that it is often truly hard to keep up with a blog if your life is crazy.

my life is crazy.

but i love it and am definitely not complaining--i just wish i could capture it all so i won't ever forget it

a few of the hightlights from my recent past...

election night in D.C.:

understandably unforgettable.

north carolina trip:

6.5 hrs in the passenger seat with margie.

jack's 'trucker' mix

elliott's country hits

hotel beds=incredible.

jacks first football game

=pure nostalgia

side note:
i love football and probably could not put into words how much high school football holds a little place deep in my heart. the smell of nachos and sweat and hot chocoloate. the sounds of boys running into each other. the sudden shouting outbursts of dads. the quick gasp from moms. the cheerleaders jumping and climbing on top of each other. stadium seating. tailgating. little boys running around in football jerseys. ahhh i just love it.
Davidson football, you touched that spot....thank you MB

tailgating with mark and trailmix--possibly the most memorable tailgating experience :)

gourmet mexican food. ahhmazing.

meeting the hometown football and basketball heros.

brunch on main street at 'toast'

6.5 hrs in the passenger seat on the way back with Margie

sweet tea at quiznos

IJM Board Meeting Dinner

i cried way too much. i wish that i could have bottled it up and given that night as a gift to everyone i love and want to know and deeply understand the work of IJM.

i have never been more proud to be a part of something

Sunday Lunch

ahhhhhhhhh. extremely movie-esk (word?)

true refreshment.

Thanksgiving spread, British style.

4 hours hearing the story of God's faithfulness and love

i am too blessed.

died my hair.


Future planning...

"By faith Abraham, when he was called, obeyed by going out to a place which he was to receive for an inheritance; and he went out, not knowing where he was going."
hebrews 11:8

if it was good enough for Abraham, it is good enough for me.

02 November 2008


its funny to live in D.C. in the midst of what some would say the most interesting and most meaningful election to date.

i have seen and heard many things. many many things.

i have eavesdropped on conversations i probably shouldn't have, and i have heard things i wished i would have never heard.

i have been in conversations that have lifted my spirits and in some that have caused me to have to swallow vomit.

i have learned so much from engaging in dialogue with people who sit probably on every side of the fence you can imagine (i have found there are like a million sides to the fence...)

i do have opinions but i don't want to share them here.

however, i do want to share this because it made me smile and it will probably make you smile too.

i'm technology illiterate and have no idea how to post the video...but you can just follow the link :)